Qualche settimana fa scrivevo che:

"This update from Google is likely an attempt to discourage the creation of poor-quality contents.

Today, many sites automatically generate them with AI software.

This does not necessarily mean that texts written using AI are of lesser quality.

They are... if they are useless texts.


Algorithms generate original content, they do not assemble pieces copied around. These contents are often not easy to recognize by those written by a human being. And some humans write very poorly, after all…

AI is not evil, “junk” content is."

Non sai quanto mi faccia piacere che questa impressione sia confermata da chi ne sa di più!

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Come sempre un grande contributo il tuo Giorgio. Felice di vedere che Google stia pian piano ridisegnando le sorti della content creation in tutte le sue forme 🤩

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